MMA Factory



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Given the state of the world, you might have taken a break from hitting the gym for a while and have difficulty getting back on track. Getting back into sports after a long break can be daunting, as you’re always haunted by the idea that all your progress is lost and you have to start from scratch.

However, this is far from the truth, as you already have muscle memory that needs a refresher. Luckily, we’ve got seven tips for you to ease your return to boxfit and make your experience as frustration-free as possible.

7 Tips for Getting Back Into Boxfit

People Practising Boxfit

1. Practice Your Boxing Stance

Before throwing punches around, you must knock the rust off your stance. Assuming the right pose is the foundation for building up your boxing technique and ensuring that your boxfit sessions don’t result in any injuries.

You must turn your body slightly if you’re right-handed, so your left shoulder becomes the most anterior point. Now that your shoulders are in position, let’s shift our focus to your legs. You don’t want to get into a too wide or narrow stance, which will significantly limit your mobility.

Instead, your legs should be about your shoulders’ width apart, giving you enough room to move around without tripping. Again, your left foot needs to tag along your left shoulder and point towards your practice target.

Raise your heels a few centimetres from the floor to get more mobility out of your stance. You can also bend your knees a bit, but make sure you feel comfortable, as we don’t want all such instructions to overwhelm you into standing like a stiff robot.

Finally, keeping your elbows close to your body would be best to have complete control over your punches. In this neutral position, your right fist should be in front of your chin, while your lift fist should protect your face. Keep your eyes up and never lose track of your target.

You’re golden, and all set up now! Try moving around and then quickly regain your neutral stance. You might ask, what’s so special about that particular pose? The answer is pretty simple, as you now have a more balanced centre of gravity, and your weight distribution favours more stability, allowing you to focus on your next moves.

2. Get Your Gear Ready

Now that the boxfit stance is out let’s talk about equipment and gear. Bring your comfortable gym wear, as you’ll be moving a lot. Also, make sure your trainers aren’t slippery, because as you can see already, you’ll be jumping into your neutral stance all the time, and you need to keep a steady footing.

Next up are your trusty boxing gloves. Choose a pair with foam padding, so you don’t end up with bruises after an extended boxfit session. Furthermore, if you’re planning to train at home, a boxing bag is an excellent way to start, and you can expand your gear down the line as you progress.

You can check out MMA Factory for all your boxfit equipment.

3. Some Additional Equipment You Might Need

Hand wraps can make a huge difference, especially when you’re getting started and don’t have seasoned knuckles. Wearing hand wraps under your gloves helps distribute impact and protects your hands from getting injured by the friction and moisture build-up inside your gloves.

Furthermore, mouthguards are a must if you’re planning to get into sparring. You don’t want to risk losing your perfect smile by taking a punch in the teeth. So, consider getting a moulded mouthguard designed to wrap around your teeth and give you maximum protection.

4. Warm-Ups

Don’t get too excited and jump into your boxfit training without a proper warm-up. You’ve been on a break for a while now, and exerting sudden strenuous activities won’t do your body a favour. A proper warm-up will help you avoid any injuries or muscle sprains, so you won’t find yourself looking at a lengthy recovery period before returning to your workouts.

Jogging on the spot and basic stretches can get the job done, and if you want to go the extra mile, you can throw in some rope skipping. Some people even like to combine their boxfit workouts with yoga, push-ups, and sit-ups, so you get all your body moving.

5. Find Yourself a Partner

There’s nothing wrong with directing your hits to a punching bag; however, having a partner will make things more fun on the course. In addition to changing roles and swapping gloves and pads, having a partner can also give you the motivation to push yourself to the limits.

6. Work on Your Basic Punching Techniques

To master your punching technique, you must also work on your breathing. Effective punches are quick and should be timed with your exhalation. Start by practising loose punches and working on your breathing, as this is the foundation upon which you can develop your fighting technique.

Once you land a punch, learn to quickly bring your hands back to their neutral position, so you’re ready to defend against any incoming shots from your opponent.

7. Some Boxfit Benefits to Keep You Motivated

We’ll wrap up our list with one final entry that’s not technically a tip yet important to remember when returning to boxfit. Boxing has plenty of benefits, including better coordination, reduced stress, and cardio gains. If you want to burn calories without putting up with boring treadmill sessions, boxfit is a perfect way to do so.

Let’s Get Back Into Boxfit

If you’re feeling motivated to start the new year on a high note, boxfit is a great way to do it. With tons of health benefits and a fun sport that keeps you constantly learning, boxfit can help you stay on track throughout the year. And if you need assistance getting back into the swing of things, our team is here to help.

Contact us today for more information about how we can help get you started on your fitness journey.

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