MMA Factory


How To Increase Your Punching Power In Muay Thai

Mma Fight Person Punching 1

Muay Thai is a sport that demands raw power, and having the most powerful punch can guarantee you victory in any match. 

Most professional athletes spend years training to improve their punches and make them more powerful. However, there is a quicker way of increasing your punches’ power, but it comes with some challenges. 

You will need to train your body with specific exercises designed for Muay Thai. One good example is weighted shadow boxing, an excellent way of improving speed by adding weights to your body. The weights restrict your movements while your body learns to adjust to the new weight. Your punches will become sharper and quicker once you take the weights off. 

Besides this, you can improve your punching power by following a few training tips and techniques most professional athletes use. So, without further delay, let’s explore some of them! 

Top 5 Exercises For Improving Punching Power 

1. Alternating Dumbbell Press 

The alternating dumbbell press is one of the most effective ways of training your full body so that you can pack a powerful punch in a match. In this exercise, you need to move your hips and abs. This allows your body to twist around while you press the dumbbell upward.

Alternating Dumbbell Press

2. Explosive Push-Ups

Like regular push-ups, this exercise can increase your punching power, as it requires pushing yourself higher off the ground. In hindsight, it mostly focuses on strengthening your arms since they have to pump more force to push you higher off the ground. 

Eplosive Push Ups

3. Sledgehammer 

Now, you may wonder if slamming a tire with a sledgehammer benefits you. But you can train your entire body movement through this exercise. The sledgehammer primarily focuses on increasing the torque of your body. So, the more torque you produce, your punches will become stronger. 

Sledhammering A Tye

4. Clean And Press 

The clean and press is a lifting exercise similar to the sledgehammer exercise since it focuses on training the full body. It helps improve the explosive movement of your abs, legs, back, chest, and arms, which helps deliver a stronger punch. 

Clean And Press With Weighr

5. Weighted Shadow Boxing 

Shadow boxing is a form of exercise that adds power to your punches by increasing the speed of your techniques. However, this technique can be made more effective by adding weights to your body. For instance, you can use weighted ankle supports, a weighted vest and gloves to increase your body weight while working out. 

Weighted Shadow

Three Muay Thai Training Tips To Improve Punching Power 

1. Sparring Regularly 

Apart from exercising and lifting weights, you can improve your punching power by sparring with someone experienced and talented in the sport. You may take a few losses initially, but you will eventually gain experience, which will help to improve the punching technique. 

By observing and learning different methods, combinations and angles, you can predict your opponent’s next move and land the decisive punch in no time. 

2. Punching Heavy Bags 

Most professional Muay Thai boxers prefer to invest in a handy punching bag to practise their techniques and combos. You can only spar with someone if they are free; however, you don’t need a fixed routine for a punching bag. Besides, punching bags are one of the safest ways of trying your technique without hurting anyone. 

3. Isometric Holds 

In this method, you need to make a fist and push it towards the wall as if you are punching the wall. Apply your full force to your fist for a short period while maintaining contact with the wall. Once you have completed ten minutes, you can pull back the fist and repeat the same process with the other fist. 

The isometric hold teaches your body to store energy so that you can release powerful and harder punches during the match. 

Get Punching!

Like all sports, Muay Thai requires a disciplined mind and body, which is achievable through intense training and exercise. Apart from this, you can improve your chances of winning every match by following these few tips. 

Firstly, ensure you eat a well-balanced diet according to your body type. This will help you to receive all the nutrients and protein needed for your body to function optimally. Also, you should drink plenty of water since dehydration can cause you to make mistakes during a match. 

Lastly, you should always improve your technique by improvising in tough situations. Be sure to check out our online store at MMA Factory before you go. You can move to the next level with our Muay Thai protective gear, apparel, and accessories!

With that, we will now wrap. Wishing you all the best for the next match, and see you again!

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