MMA Factory


Why You Should Wear Martial Arts Shoes

Putting On Mma Shoes In Gym 1

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, wearing martial arts shoes as a part of your uniform is very important. 

Most people consider pants and jackets their main uniform and ignore the most important thing- their feet. You might have seen martial artists practising barefooted for regular class and tournament training. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need protective shoes or footwear. But why?

Due to the physical nature of martial arts, not wearing footwear increases the risk of a bent toe or foot injury. Not only that, but shoes can also help maintain the posture of your leg. So, today, we’ll tell you why wearing martial arts shoes is essential.

4 Reasons Why Wearing Martial Arts Shoes Are Important

Close Up Of Boxing Shoes In Ring

1. Hygiene

It’s no secret that the risk of spreading fungal and skin infections increases when people step on any surface barefooted. And, because most martial artists train barefoot, this is common in locker rooms where people change their clothes before or after practice. 

There are two significant problems for martial artists who don’t wear shoes during practice. A skin infection can prevent the person from training until it cures, affecting the training regime. 

And secondly, if the infected person continues to train, it might not be a pleasant experience for other trainers. Hence, as a preventive measure, all trainers should instruct their students to wear shoes during regular training

2. Self-Protection

Many martial arts training sessions may be held in temporary facilities or sports complexes. Apart from that, lack of adequate space might sometimes force students to train in a local building or a church that’s not built exclusively for martial arts. 

So, training in facilities barefoot, especially ones that aren’t used for any exercise or sports activity, might not be ideal. The floor might be extremely cold or have a rough wooden surface with uneven or damaged boards, and training on them increases the risk of injury. 

Additionally, adequately matted judo floors cause broken toes because sweep kicks can easily trap your toe between the mat. Hence, light training shoes are imperative to protect the feet in all situations. 

3. Protection During Sparring

Sparring is integral to many martial arts training, and students usually practise this move against a real opponent. When two martial artists get into light combat without striking the opponent, it’s an example of a spar. In this case, there remains a possibility of foot injuries. 

Many martial arts shoes incorporate thin padding across the instep and top. So, wearing such a pair can keep the feet optimally shielded without hindering movement. Because these shoes are thin and lightweight, you can wear proper foot padding and shin guards to facilitate full-contact moves during more intense sparring. 

4. Self-Defence Situations

The primary purpose of martial arts training is to be able to practise self-defence against attackers. 

Most of these unprecedented attacks happen when you wear sneakers or shoes outside the home. And if you’re not familiar with using martial art techniques while wearing shoes, it can be a major disadvantage in any physically dangerous situation.

So, even if your martial arts form requires you to train barefoot, we recommend holding occasional practice sessions wearing shoes. It makes your self-defence training as realistic as possible. 

Many notable artists learn and train in martial arts wearing shoes. It helps them bring realism to their training to react better when the time comes. 

Fighting Mma Outside

Buying A Pair Of Martial Arts Shoes

With this, we’ve come to an end to our informative guide. We hope this has helped you understand why you shouldn’t delay buying those martial arts shoes any longer.

But before we wrap up, we would like to mention some essential things. First of all, you shouldn’t wear your training shoes outside. This will help you keep the mat clean, especially for others who may be practising barefoot. 

Secondly, it’s important to understand the kind of shoes you need. The ideal pair should be light-weighted, thin, soft-padded and without any laces. Laces increase the risk of injury when taking a hit. 

And if you want a traditional martial arts feeling, get a pair of old-school Kung Fu shoes. They offer more protection and keep your mobility and comfort at the same level as being barefoot. You can also check out our guide for more information on proper attire for combat sports!

If you are ready to purchase a pair of shoes for martial artshead to our website! We stock an extensive range of MMA shoes and equipment! And, if you need assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team anytime


Goodbye and take care. Until next time!

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