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Beginner Starting Weight Training

Let’s be honest, nothing can beat weight training when it comes to achieving a toned body

Most exercises we do on a day-to-day basis are cardiovascular exercises. No doubt they are great for your body, but you may feel that it isn’t helping build muscle after a while. 

This is when weight training comes into the picture, as it’s the perfect way to tone your muscles. That’s not all, contrary to popular belief, weight training is also a pretty good way of losing weight. In most instances, a gym trainer would advise you to include weight training and cardio in your exercise regime. 

Most people are still confused about how to start with weight training. Hence, we thought of creating this guide as a simple crash course to begin lifting some weights. 

So, without further ado, let’s get pumping! 

What Does It Take To Start Weight Training? 

Now, let’s break some of the myths. Weight training, also known as strength training, doesn’t always require lifting weights. Yes, this can come as a surprise, but it’s true. There are several exercises, such as pull-ups or lunges, where your own body’s weight can act as a factor. 

Hence, you don’t even need to think about lifting hefty weights when starting weight training. And in most cases, your trainer would most likely tell you to begin with bodyweight exercises before lifting weights. 

On that topic, another popular thought process is that weight training is only done through dumbbells or maybe a barbell with attached weight plates. While that is true, other tools are just as well, such as kettlebells or resistance bands and even resistance machines

We recommend you visit a gym or set an appointment with a trainer to have a better idea of weight training. The process would include knowing more about your body, any limitations you might have, and other things to create a personalised schedule. 

Here, we would like you to give a basic picture of weight training as a beginner. Along with that, we would provide you with some tips to hop into your journey of getting a well-toned body. 

Things To Know Before Starting With Weight Training 

Isn’t weight training all about picking up that dumbbell and pumping your arms? Sadly, there’s more to weight training, and you should know as much as possible before beginning to exercise. Here are some of the points that you must learn to keep yourself safe throughout the process. 

Man Weight Training In The Gym

1. Warm Up Is Essential 

You may have seen countless videos of people lifting weights without doing warm-ups, but that isn’t correct. Without the correct warm-up, you can end up straining your muscles which is undesirable. And this is true for all types of exercise, including weight training. 

You can prep your body by going on a brisk walk, skipping rope for 10 minutes, or performing jumping jacks. Whatever be it, always remember to spend 5 – 10 minutes warming up before starting with weight training. 

2. Start With Lighter Weights 

As we said before, weight training is not lifting the highest weight. Instead, you need to focus on gradually increasing your resistance to tone the muscles. Hence, it’s always better to start with a lighter weight and then periodically move on to the heavier weights. 

Similarly, in the beginning, you may only do two sets containing 10 – 15 reps each. But gradually, it can be increased to three or four sets. When in doubt, talk to your trainer, as they would have the most idea about your body. 

When increasing the weights, don’t move above 5 – 10% at a time. Putting too much stress on your muscles is never good, and it can also cause fatigue. 

3. Understand The Importance Of Rest

While starting with weight training, you may not want to stop. But, it’s essential to give your muscles adequate rest to reduce fatigue and soreness. It’s best to wait 60 seconds between each set.

On top of that, there should be at least two to three days of rest in a week. If you aren’t okay with the idea of completely taking a rest from exercising, use those days for cardio or running. Remember that rest days help to replenish the energy in your muscles. 

4. Pay Attention To Form 

Annoyed with your trainer, who keeps on correcting your form? That is essential to having good exercise and targeting the right muscles. When your back or knee is bent in the wrong direction, lifting weights can cause everlasting injury. 

Hence, before starting weight training, make sure to learn the correct form. Don’t worry, as there are many videos on the internet to help out those looking for at-home exercises. Apart from posture, also try to move slowly to build up the resistance. 

5. Duration Of Exercise 

You might not know, but exercising releases happy hormones like endorphins and dopamine. That’s why you may have the feeling of going on and on while exercising. But, this can be taxing on your muscles, especially when you’re a beginner.

It’s best to limit one session to 30 – 45 minutes. There’s no proof that longer sessions might work better, and too much strain can end up causing muscle strains. 

6. Stretch

Once you are done lifting weights or exercising, remember to stretch for at least 10 minutes. Stretching helps to flex out your muscles and prevents them from being too sore the next day. 

Beginner-friendly Exercises 

Here are some easy exercises to try if you’re beginning with weight training: 

1. Squats

Most of you would be familiar with how to perform a squat. But, adding a bit more weight to this common exercise can be a great change. The simplest way to do it is by holding a two-litre water bottle in your hand while performing the squats. 

While squatting, make sure that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your feet are shoulder-width apart. Slowly bring down your body by bending the knees and gradually rising to the starting position. 

You can, of course, exchange the water bottle for a dumbbell or a kettlebell. To get the most resistance, hold the weight closer to your chest. Besides, you can add a resistance band just above your knees to level up the squats.

Doing Squats In Gy For Weight Training

2. Resistance Band Pull Apart 

This is by far the easiest weight training exercise that you can do, and that too at home. All you would need is a resistance band. This exercise is meant to target your back, shoulder, and arm muscles. 

You can either sit down or stand with a straight back for this exercise. Begin by taking the resistance band and stretching out your arms at the height of your chest. Ensure that the band is parallel to the ground and that your grasp is tight. 

Now, use your mid-back to pull the band outwards and return to the start. Even though it’s tempting to use your arms to pull apart the band, don’t make that mistake. 

Some other exercises that we suggest: 

  • Lunges 
  • Planks 
  • Basic bicep curls with dumbbells or resistance bands 
  • Calf raises 
  • Shoulder and chest presses using dumbbells 
Using Resisitance Bands For Training

Is There A Perfect Weight Training Schedule? 

The most straightforward answer to this question is no, there isn’t a single weight training schedule that can fit everyone. One of the main reasons is that our bodies are vastly different, and having a one-size-fits-all schedule will do more harm than good. 

Hence, it’s essential to meet a trainer and tell them about your expectations to get the perfect schedule. Most weight training schedules will have a mix and match of days where you will target different body parts. 

Those who want to build up strength or tone their bodies will likely have three or four sessions a week. In contrast, someone looking forward to building muscles may have more frequent sessions. 

On top of everything, make sure to have enough rest days to give your body the chance to recover. And, as you get more used to weight training, we are sure it will provide noticeable results. 

Weight Training For Beginners 

That’s everything we had to say in this beginner’s guide to weight training. Make sure to come back to this guide whenever you need to look up the tips. 

Besides, we would like to say that weight training doesn’t work equally for everyone. At times, your muscles may feel too sore, and it’s okay to take a few days to rest before continuing. Just remember that weight training is a journey rather than a quick solution. 

Hence, we recommend meeting a proper trainer who can guide you to perform the proper exercises. And, in case of any injuries or if your muscles remain too sore, don’t forget to see a doctor. 

With that, we have come to an end. Do let us know if you need any assistance. You can contact our customer service representatives easily!

Till then, goodbye, and stay hydrated. 

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