MMA Factory


How Martial Arts Can Help You Lose Weight

Class Doing Martial Arts Outside On Grass 1

Losing weight can be a long physical and mental journey, especially when you don’t have proper guidance and routine. 

Usually, this aspect of exercise discourages many from beginning their weight loss journey. Thankfully, this does not always have to be the case, as workouts can be a fun and rewarding experience that positively impacts other aspects of your life. You need to find a routine or physical activity that you feel is enjoyable and goes well with a balanced diet. 

For many, mixed martial arts is a go-to method to lose weight as it benefits both physical and mental health. It is also more engaging than the typical weight lifting gym session, which can become monotonous for some. We have compiled a few points to highlight just how beneficial studying a martial art can be for weight loss.

So, grab those gloves and pads, and let’s get right into the nitty-gritty!

How Martial Arts Can Help You Lose Weight 

Black Belt Best Martial Arts

1. Anyone Can Join

One common fear that many have when trying to enter the world of martial arts is self-consciousness. Comparing yourself to a seasoned professional or a competitive practitioner is easy. Or perhaps wonder if your child is too young.

Do not worry if you relate to this feeling and are afraid of starting from the bottom. Even if you want to practice martial arts competitively, age groups and weight martial arts classes will ensure your opponent is never out of your league or strength level. Martial art is a discipline that aims to cater to personal growth and helps bring out the best in an individual.

Additionally, the intensity of the movements in a particular martial art varies depending on how rigorous a training period you want. These variations make the art approachable to various sexes and age groups. Regardless of your chosen form, one thing is guaranteed; your health will improve incredibly over time.

2. No Pre-Requisite Fitness Level

Another anxiety that many people share when approaching mixed martial arts is the perceived fitness level required before starting. This misconception can cause them to quit before they even begin; however, the truth is that you can begin in any physical shape.

If you are already in shape, it will help you perform specific movements easier. Conversely, your progress will be slow when starting if you are out of the body. You can start with small workouts at home, such as skipping rope, to build your muscles, stamina and core strength. In either case, your body will get accustomed to the techniques and become more toned to perform better.

3. Efficiently Burns Fat

Martial arts is one of the most popular cardio exercises as it entertains and promotes metabolism. By boosting your metabolism, fat is processed and burned faster than usual. This means that any latent fat in your body will be burned efficiently and help you lose body weight in the long run.

Compared to other exercises like jogging or lifting weights, martial arts use the full body workout. Movements like kicking pads or practising punches use muscles that other basic activities cannot reach.

When integrated with shadow boxing or sparring, these techniques can help you burn between 500 to 2000 calories at a time. Further, this proves that the best martial arts are practical activities in burning fat.

4. Additional Benefits

Of course, martial arts are a great way to gain some sweet self-defence tactics and lose body weight; however, there are a few other benefits.

For one, it helps improve the coordination between the body and mind. Apart from being a form of competition and physical exercise, martial arts is a beautiful art form that promotes well-being and spiritual and mental development.

One of the most famous martial arts applications is Buddhist monks who practice Kung Fu. These monks can perform incredible feats of strength and have strong mental fortitude and discipline to complement their fit lifestyle. Devoting years of their lives to studying and honing their craft shows the level of dedication that certain fields of martial arts demand.

5. Variety Of Martial Arts

There is a wide selection of disciplines and different styles to choose from that utilise several methods and philosophies in martial arts training. Hence, it is safe to say that one has many choices when selecting a martial art that caters to their preferences. Whether for mental benefits, physical fitness, or a competitive sense, there is a martial art for everyone.

On the one hand, simple forms of martial arts like Aikido and Tai Chi do not demand much physical work. Some focus more on the mental benefits and breath control than the physical aspects. On the other hand, more taxing forms of martial arts like wrestling and taekwondo can help burn calories faster than simpler styles.

Other styles of martial arts like kickboxing and Muay Thai involve lots of cardio and stamina to burn fat. Another demanding option quickly becoming a popular favourite is boxing which involves repeatedly throwing punches in every training session. Although it may not seem taxing, even just hitting a punching bag or practising combinations can effectively work out the entire body simultaneously.

For those looking to enter the competitive martial arts world, we recommend grappling styles for beginners. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a fantastic starting point to develop experience and tone your body without getting seriously hurt. Other more intense forms can be dangerous without the proper experience and fitness levels, so choose according to your current standings.

Martial Arts And Weight Loss

Hopefully, it is clear how practising martial arts can help you lose weight while remaining entertaining.

Martial arts requires regular and consistent practice; however, the payoff is entirely worth it. Not only will you be in better shape, but your self-confidence will take a boost, not to mention all the exciting people you will meet.

So, step outside of your comfort zone and try martial arts; it sure does beat dragging yourself to the gym to lift some weights.

And, if you need assistance choosing equipment or apparel for your next martial arts class, don’t forget to speak to our team at MMA Factory!

Take care, and until next time!

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