MMA Factory


The Complete Guide To Boxing For Women

Girl Boxing Training With Mitts 1

Boxing has long ceased to be a sport exclusively meant for men. In fact, with each passing day, it’s becoming increasingly popular among women. 

Despite being one of the most physically demanding and intense sports, its range of benefits for mental and physical health makes it enticing to all individuals. So, if learning boxing has been your dream, there’s no shortage of opportunities to make it a reality. 

You need only proceed systematically with discipline, which is essential for learning any sport from scratch. And that’s where we can help you out –- we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide on all that you need to know about boxing. 

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

The Complete Guide To Boxing For Women

Firstly, you should know some basics about this combat sport. So, let’s have a look at the key factors that will determine your performance in boxing:

Girl Punching Boxing Bag With Gloves

1. Balance

You’ll need to work on your coordination and balance to maintain the correct stance and facilitate good footwork. And for that, regularly engaging in physical and mindfulness activities can be of great help. It will facilitate your balance and help develop a strong core, ultimately improving your boxing performance.

2. Distance Control

You must learn how to measure your distance from the target and control your punches accordingly to hit it right.

3. Timing 

In boxing, you need to master the art of throwing your punches at the right moment. As such, timing is a crucial factor influencing your performance. 

To get a grip on this skill, you can either enrol in a beginner-level boxing class right at the start or practice some preliminary boxing workouts at home. Many videos are available online to help you learn basic boxing moves before moving on to cardio workouts for boxing

Types Of Boxing

Like every other sport, boxing has evolved and is practised in various forms. So, here’s a brief round-up of the ones considered best for females looking to make a mark in the sport.

Woman Practising Boxing With Punching Bag

1. Thai Boxing

Known to most people as “Muay Thai”, this sport utilises all the eight limbs of the body, that is, both upper and lower limbs. Notably, it stresses the use of knees and elbows to strike an attack, in addition to the kicking and punching moves common to other forms. It is a great sport for beginners who want to get into martial arts.

The equipment needed for starting with Muay Thai includes specialised attire known by the same name, a mouthguardboxing gloves, a shinguard, and ankle and hand wraps

2. French Boxing

In French, this boxing form is popularly called “Savate,” meaning “old boots or shoes”. And contrary to traditional boxing, Savate allows punching and kicking in the boxing ring. 

You’ll need boots, boxing gloves, and protective gear for the groin, mouthparts, and chest to start practising this form. 

3. American Boxing 

The American form of the sport is by far the most popular and requires the participants to strike attacks only by throwing jabs and punches at their opponents. Speaking of the essential equipment, you’ll need a chest and groin protector, wraps, a mouth guard, and boxing shoes and gloves. 

4. Chinese Boxing

Also known as “Sanda,” Chinese boxing is a kickboxing form rooted in Kung Fu and influenced by techniques in modern combat sports. The participants in this sport attack by wrestling, kicking, throwing, and sweeping. Also, they can use their elbows and knees for the moves. Note that you need protectors for the groin, head, and chest, boxing gloves, and a mouthguard to play this sport. 

5. Burmese Boxing 

Another type of boxing that women may want to try is the Burmese form or “Lethwei,” which has its origins in Malaysia. The speciality of this sport is that it allows headbutts and the use of all eight limbs. Engaging in Lethwei requires wearing mouth and shin guards, boxing gloves, and wraps.

Benefits Of Boxing

To understand boxing in its entirety, you’ll also need to know the different ways in which this sport can develop your quality of life. Here are some reasons why women should try out boxing irrespective of its intensity: 

Girl Boxing Training With Mitts

1. Develops Muscle Strength

Harder punches can make your muscles stronger. Over time, the body gets accustomed to the resistance you put it through. This implies that you’ll need to increase your resistance to keep your arms in shape. You may do so by adding wrist weights during your exercises or striking harder while practising. Striking can be of great help in enhancing muscle definition. That said, the development is gradual, so you shouldn’t expect remarkable outcomes in just a few days. It may take a few months to witness the difference based on your fitness.

2. Improves Endurance And Agility

During boxing, the body utilises several muscles simultaneously, and you also have to move around the punching bag or your opponent. This helps enhance your heart rate, thereby boosting heart health and helping to control blood pressure. This sport is considered a pretty powerful endurance workout for women. Boxing also helps engage both the upper and lower body equally, unlike many workouts that often neglect the legs. Thus, it plays a critical role in keeping the joints healthy and balancing out muscle growth in all body parts.

3. Helps With Weight Loss

Weight loss is a prevalent reason for women to take up boxing. This combat sport helps burn fat more efficiently than many other exercises. Plus, it improves glucose uptake, a critical factor in preventing diabetes, and helps get rid of abdominal fat. And you’ll be glad to know that a boxing training session of one hour can help burn almost 600 calories.

4. Improves Confidence

By learning boxing, women can learn to defend themselves better and come out of unforeseen tricky situations. And since regular practice can help them feel stronger and get in shape, it also makes them more self-assured.

5. Relieves Anxiety And Stress

It’s no secret that exercise has a positive impact on mental health. And when it’s an intense physical activity such as boxing, the effect is even more pronounced. It triggers the production of more endorphins, which helps the body cope with anxiety efficiently. That said, boxing can help you let go of the tension accumulated after a stressful workday.

Let’s Start Boxing!

We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into the world of boxing. Believe us, the experience will be a lot more fun and interesting. So, don’t hesitate and start searching for a reliable training institution or an individual trainer to learn the ropes. But before making a final decision, discuss with them in detail your goals and health concerns, if any. Which form of the sport intrigued you the most? Let us know in the comments section below. You can also reach out to us if you have any other queries about the topic. You can also speak to our team if you need any assistance choosing equipment for your new boxing journey. With that, we’ll sign off for today. Stay tuned for more informative and exciting guides. Till then, all the best!
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