MMA Factory


What Age Can Kids Start Boxing?

Young Boy Facing Camera With Boxing Gloves 1

With the number of times boxing has been portrayed in the media, it is no surprise if your kid wants to give it a shot.

And why not? As strenuous as it is, boxing is an excellent exercise that improves strength and coordination. Not to mention, it requires intense boxing training and discipline, which can benefit people’s lives. Now the question is, at what age can kids start boxing? That is precisely what we are here to tell you.

It is important to figure out the perfect time your kid can start for their safety. Boxing can sometimes be dangerous, and you do not want to introduce a child to the sport when they can’t handle it. This is why we have come up with this short guide that might help when the time comes. 

Now, without further ado, let’s get right to it!

What Age Can Kids Start Boxing?

It is understandable if your child is determined to join boxing classes, but you are in two minds. It is, after all, a little dangerous for young kids. 

While we will leave the significant parenting decisions up to you, we would like to elaborate on the impact boxing can have. It has many benefits that help enrich a child’s life making him more disciplined and self-aware. 

Benefits Of Boxing

Young Girl With Pink Boxing Gloves

1. Great For Overall Health 

As mentioned above, boxing can be a great exercise and an excellent way for your kids to spend all that energy they have inside them. Not only does it help them become mentally and physically stronger, but it will also help them develop crucial boxing skills that can be beneficial in the outside world.

2. Burn Off Extra Calories 

Another reason this is such a great sport is that it involves a lot of cardio. Even if we skip the actual  youth boxing training for the ring involves skipping, running, and other high-intensity exercises

Kids love to eat junk food which can be detrimental to their bodies. So, having them burn off some extra calories through boxing won’t be such a bad idea.

3. Mental Benefits 

Additionally, it is a great way to sharpen a young kid’s mind. The act of boxing requires strong hand-eye coordination, especially when the boxer has to attack and defend within seconds. Quick shuffles and punches are impossible if the mind cannot comprehend and process the actions in front of it.

This is why boxing is known not only to strengthen the body but also to sharpen the mind. And with such sharpening comes personality developments as well. Through boxing, children understand how to overcome obstacles with discipline and dedication, which can be helpful in all aspects of life. 

4. Social Interaction

One of boxing classes’ most significant advantages is a space for your child to interact with other kids. This is especially the case for younger kids who have trouble meeting others their age. And don’t worry, by interacting, we don’t mean “get into the ring and beat up” but youth boxing training and exercising with peers. 

Age Limitations 

Now, on to the topic at hand. Just because your kid has a keen interest in boxing at age five does not mean they can be trained to become the next Muhammad Ali! But, you can put them into introductory classes from three. In these classes, it’s mostly the kids kicking and punching shields that parents hold up.

From age five till about 10, they can be admitted to beginner classes where they learn techniques and stances and develop their physical strength. Most of these classes entail lots of cardio and theoretical studying about professional boxing. Plus, these classes are mainly to understand the sport while sparring.

Finally comes the primary age group where children can learn, theoretically and practically. From age 11 onwards, boxing classes have a mix of studying and training. The techniques taught are a bit more advanced than in the earlier classes. Additionally, once the child reaches their teens, they may be allowed to spar without their parent’s permission.

For tournaments and competitions, 15-year-old boxers can participate in the junior category. The ones who like to compete can then become youth boxers. Once they are adults, boxing is an open ground for them, and they can go on to compete based on weight divisions. 

What Equipment Do Kids Need?

Children’s boxing gear and equipment are not too different from adult boxing gear; it’s just much smaller. But we understand if it is the first time you are packing a kid’s bag for a boxing class. So, here is what your kid is going to need:

Unfocused Shot Of Kid Punching With Boxing Gloves

1. Gloves and Wraps

No matter your kid’s age group, they will need gloves and wraps for protection. We highly encourage it for the youngest age group since they are more prone to injuries.

2. Bag

It is a good idea to have all this stuff in a bag of their choice so that they can identify it quickly. You can accompany them when they are younger, but they will be by themselves as they get older. Thus, teaching them how to be responsible for their gear from an early age is best. Just make sure they know how to clean it too!

3. Shoes

Similar to the gloves and wraps, the shoes provide protection and better floor grip. This will reduce the chance of injury and allow your child to get used to the weight around the feet.

Get Your Child Into Boxing

And that’s all we have for today, folks. We hope this guide has been informative and can help steer you in the right direction. We want to reiterate that while boxing classes for kids may sound dangerous, it is fun and safe. It is a perfect opportunity for the child to grow up by channelling their energy correctly. Please speak to us for assistance with purchasing boxing gear and equipment for your child! On that note, we shall now sign off. Don’t worry; we will be back soon with many more guides. Until next time!
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